Monday, March 20, 2006

New Reviews Now at PT Online

Here is a link to my latest scribings for the Ptolemaic Terrascope:

Brothers of the Occult Sisterhood "Canisanubis" on MYMWLY CD-R Label
One Ensemble of Daniel Padden "Live at VPRO" on Brainwashed Handmade

Random quote from the Brothers review:

Free magic constructs draw up plans for a forest temple in lines of light and warding while demon forces circle inwards to the hypnagogic chimes of 'Preying in Circles' which definitely conjures the feel of mid-period AMM. 'Augustifolia' is like the Supreme Dicks stripped back to folk, blended with elements of middle-Eastern jazz and surrounded with ghost voices. True to the theme of this release, every time you think you have a grasp of its structure, everything runs through your fingers like quicksilver and heads off somewhere else. 'The Silk
Wolf Whose Arrow Spirit Speaks' is a centre of sorts for 'Canisanubis', standing
perpetually on the verge of coalescing into a Can inspired groove, but staying
tantalisingly free of doing so, thus remaining master of its own destination.


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